Many people I talk to want to become more organized. Yes, staying organized is also a concern, but if you are already orderly, chances are you know how to do that.
I’m interested today in how to set yourself up for success. In the process, you may discover that you enjoy your new behaviors and see the fruits of your labor.
What are the benefits of being organized?
The benefits of being organized include better work flow and time management. You’ll also become a top-notch problem solver as you uncover habits that don’t work for you. Shedding unproductive ways is like moving to high-speed internet or upgrading your operating system.
5 benefits of being and staying organized
To entice you to begin to think like an organized person (you’ve got your sh*t together), I’ve compiled a list. Call it the top 5 benefits of becoming and maintaining an organized lifestyle.
Getting a medal for helping my sister-in-law get out of boxes after her move
What is the best way to stay organized?
The best way to stay organized is to change a few behaviors. You have to create the conditions that move you away from chaos. Once you have a zest for it, you will want to maintain and even improve the way you do things. Here’s an example.
A good friend of mine works from home, as I do. She saw a picture of my office and couldn’t believe how tidy my desk was. “I can’t seem to de-clutter” she moaned. “I love papers too much.”
My suggestion was that she not try to be a different person. I recommended she keep her enthusiasm for post-its. “Color code them” I said. “Post them on a something like a white board.” Well, this seems to be working for her small space.
She chose to put post-its on a board behind her computer desk. It helps her manage her projects. I think if you can see what you have, you will:
Buy less
Have better access to your things
Not waste time looking
Put alike items together for visual assistance
How do I become neat and organized?
The best way to become neat and tidy is to place like items together. Full disclaimer, I color code where possible. This system works well when I am getting dressed in the morning.
You don’t have to go full in right away. My husband likes all his t-shirts together followed by hoodies. I prefer to put all my whites together. Are you a category person like him? Or are you a follow the rainbow person like me?
Preparation is the key to success
Truth told, my grandma taught me how to become organized. Not by drilling it into me. No. I must have learned by watching her. She too, worked from home. Back when hand-made knitting was in (before machines) she and Zaida had a knitting business.
Since we lived with my grandparents, her hands were full (pun intended). I know many working women will relate. But it didn’t stop her from entertaining. Picture holiday meals with every family member, mah-jong games with ‘the girls’ and more.
Grandma met the challenges of her life through old-fashioned preparation. I saw her make cookies days in advance of get togethers. Her suitcases were at the door 2 weeks ahead of take-off. The secret to her success with staying organized was to do what she could ahead of time.
One little thing here and there broke down what some would call arduous into effortless. These skills are classic like a strand of pearls. Do one little thing today that isn’t due til next week. [bctt tweet=”The key to becoming organized is to do one thing today for tomorrow” username=”yoginiqueen”]
A Conscious Strategy
Becoming organized will take some conscious strategizing on your part. You’ll have to play detective with your own habits. What do you hate about your day? How would you like to re-write that story? If it is your desk, start there. If it is the fact you never know what to make for dinner, begin to solve that problem. It is easier to maintain a system when it makes sense to you.
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