#LiveLocal: Reflections on Inequality

Today’s installation of #LiveLocal is a reflection on inequality. As a yogini for over 20 years, I notice many inequalities in my body. One shoulder higher, one groin stiffer, one hamstring looser. It’s all the more pronounced when you practice. These things are visible in the apparent strength of some muscles, and the weaknesses in others.



The topic of inequality came up for me today because I took a yoga class in the morning. Then, in the afternoon, I took a yoga workshop. It was very hard to work with the inequality in my body.  The dominant parts were moving faster and not letting the weaker parts get stronger.

See, the goal is to honor differences while striving towards more harmony. Moving as one. Perhaps the front thighs could soften while the back middle buttock band could firm up? I think yoga prepares us to think about, if not move towards, equality, first in our body.

LiveLocal: Reflections on Inequality

Seeing the light

What Best Defines Inequality?

I did a google search to see which query comes up first in organic traffic. The question it seems is “what best defines inequality?” Underneath, there was a  quote by the University of Edinburg. They say,

“Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are not treated differently or less favorably , on the basis of their specific protected characteristic, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age.

Promoting equality should remove discrimination in all of the aforementioned areas. Bullying, harassment or victimization are also considered as equality and diversity issues.”

So obviously…there are many layers to inequality. My question is where did it come from? Why did it start?

I think tracing an answer back to its source is important. It gives you a better grasp of who or what made the decision to be stronger. Why is it that women don’t feel equal to men? Where did that come from? Why did it start? Why is my left hip less painful? Where did that come from? Where did it start? You get the gist.

A dose of reflection on inequality is certainly one way to stay humble and compassionate. On and off the mat. Enjoy the lessons learned from being in your community..#livelocal!

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